How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Humid Climates

2025-03-27T10:25:32-05:00March 27th, 2025|

Humid climates are the perfect environment for mold and mildew to grow. In addition, humid regions like East Texas are ideal places for other air pollutants to thrive. Unfortunately, this can create an unhealthy living environment for your household. This is especially true for babies, elderly people, and people who are immune compromised. In addition

Pet Owner’s Guide to HVAC Maintenance in Texas

2025-03-21T10:58:52-05:00February 7th, 2025|

If you have a pet, your HVAC system isn’t just keeping you comfortable in your home—it’s also keeping your pet safe and comfortable. East Texas has a range of weather conditions that sometimes make heating your home with a furnace necessary, and other days, it means cranking the programmable thermostat on your air conditioner to

Why Fall Is the Best Time for an HVAC Tune-Up in East Texas

2025-03-21T11:11:25-05:00November 19th, 2024|

As winter approaches in warm places like East Texas, it can catch you off guard. Imagine waking up on a chilly morning, turning on your heater, and…nothing happens. A malfunctioning heater isn’t just inconvenient; it can also pose safety risks, especially for infants or elderly family members. That’s why ETR, a trusted HVAC company in

Ready To Save Some Money On Your Electric Bill?

2025-03-21T11:28:24-05:00May 26th, 2020|

Keep An Eye On How You Use Your Air Conditioner (And a Few Other Electricity Savings Tips) Electric bills usually rise right along with the East Texas temperature. At East Texas Refrigeration, ETR, located in Tyler and Longview, we understand the need to find ways to save money on electric bills and realize that air

Reducing Air Conditioning and Heating Bills Check Your Home for Air Leaks

2025-03-21T11:28:51-05:00March 18th, 2020|

At East Texas Refrigeration, we understand how important it is to seal your home. In Tyler and nearby east Texas communities, it can be downright hot in summer and cold in the winter.  What can you do to make sure you are staying comfortable in your home and not wasting money on higher energy bills?

Signs for When to Replace Your AC Unit

2025-03-24T05:50:55-05:00July 2nd, 2014|

Regular maintenance is important so you can make the most of your air conditioning system. From fine-tuning its performance, particularly during the warmer months, to preventing leaks from worsening, you need to check its condition periodically. There will come a time, though, when it is more practical to buy a new one instead of putting

5 Tips to Lower Your Electric Bill This Summer

2025-03-24T06:26:45-05:00June 17th, 2014|

Summer is here again. Like most Texans, you are probably busily brainstorming for creative means to cut back your energy bill. While your friends and neighbors or even the Internet may give you 10 (or maybe 20) energy-saving tips, here are five tips that will help you to conveniently lower your energy use and save

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